Current Projects
Here is a list of the current projects for the C04 and C10 product tools:
C04 Projects:
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) will implement best practices from this bundle in its Activity-Based Model. The model will be used for important decision making on issues such as managed lanes, tolling, high occupancy, and land-use policy.
Contact: Wu Sun,
C10 Projects:
Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)
Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) will use best practices in the Integrated Dynamic Travel Model bundle to implement a tool that can better address the demand on existing and future dynamically priced toll and high-occupancy toll lanes, and address evacuation planning during inclement weather. Partnerships with the Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia Regional Transportation Agency, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, and Georgia’s State Road and Tollway Authority will be utilized.
Contact: Guy Rousseau,
Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) & Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)
Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) are using the best practices from the Integrated Dynamic Travel Model to better analyze destination choice, mode choice, route choice, and departure time decisions, as well as network impacts on travelers. Partnerships with the University of Maryland and Arizona State University will assist Maryland during this project.
Contact: Subrat Mahapatra,
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is using best practices from the Integrated Dynamic Travel Model to analyze strategies recommended for Active Transportation and Demand Management in the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton regions.
Contact: Rebekah Anderson,
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), in partnership with the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) and the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is using the best practices in the Integrated Dynamic Travel Model bundle in order to represent transit accessibility and passenger behavior at a fine-grained level within their respective activity-based travel demand models. This will help to improve many transit-related projects in the Bay Area and Puget Sound regions. A strong partnership exists between the agency partners as a result of previous project experience.
Contact: David Ory,