Integrated Dynamic Travel Model
The Integrated Dynamic Travel Model links travel behavior choices, such as departure time or route, with congested network conditions to better reflect real-world dynamics in the model. Planners can then more directly test the effects of various alternatives on congestion. The Integrated Dynamic Travel Model advances existing modeling applications to include sensitivities for traffic shifts by time of day or route in response to capacity increases, operation actions, or management actions. It can also dynamically integrate travel-time reliability, greenhouse gas emissions, road pricing, mode shifts, and non-travel choices such as work/shop at home or flextime policies. The result is a dynamic model that better analyzes transportation alternatives and provides more precision to support transportation planning decisions. Ultimately, the benefit of more effective and precise modeling is more informed transportation planning.

New Resources
Dynamic, Integrated Model System: Jacksonville-Area Application
Dynamic, Integrated Model System: Sacramento-Area Application Volume 1: Summary Report
Dynamic Traffic Assignment: A Primer
Activity-Based Travel Demand Models: A Primer