
Economic Analysis Training

Economic analysis in transportation planning training

The “Economic Analysis in the Transportation Planning Process” course provides guidance on how to apply economic analysis in the transportation planning process. The primary audience is the practicing planner working for a public agency or private firm who is familiar with planning and project development, but not trained in economics.

First, the nature of economic analysis is explained. It is followed by an overview of how economic analysis fits and is applied within the larger planning process (long-range planning, programming, corridor planning, and environmental review). Then, existing economic analysis methods (benefit-cost analysis, economic impact analysis, multi-criteria analysis) and types of benefits (user, non-user, community, and wider economic benefits) are discussed. Fourth is an explanation of economic analysis tools and their applicability to economic analysis methods. Practical examples of how these tools can used through each stage of the planning process are provided. Finally, ways to effectively communicate and present economic analysis results to various non-technical audiences are discussed. Several learning checks provide opportunities for course users to test their understanding of the presented material.

Professional Development Hours are now available for the Economic Analysis in Transportation Planning Training.

This training will take 75 minutes to complete. 

Economic Analysis in Transportation Planning Training