
Web Analysis Tools

EconWorks Wider Economic Benefits Analysis Tools

SHRP2 included tools to help practitioners incorporate Wider Economic Benefits into project decision making, and in particular into benefit cost analysis. These tools are designed to fill the gap between the screening stage where the Case Studies may be useful and later stages where agencies may employ detailed economic models.

First things first: Are the Wider Economic Benefit (WEB) tools appropriate for your project?
It is important to note that the WEB tools may not always be appropriate to use. If there is no “productivity” effect expected from a project (e.g. it is focused on safety, the environment, or other social benefits), or if all effects will stem from traditional user benefits (e.g. travel time and cost savings), then the tools are not necessary.

However, if your project will achieve meaningful changes in reliability, enhance accessibility, or enhance intermodal connectivity, then the WEB tools may be of help in your analysis. If based on this, you wish to make use of the tools, please choose to continue as a guest or log in to store your work for the future.

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