EconWorks is a collection of web-based tools designed to help planners incorporate economic analysis into early project decision making. EconWorks includes:
- Case Study Search: a library of case studies, searchable by project attributes, to demonstrate the economic impacts of transportation investments in other communities.
- Assess My Project: A web-based tool that estimates the economic impact of potential projects based on parameters defined by users.
- Analysis Tools: Downloadable spreadsheets useful for assessing other economic benefits from transportation projects.
EconWorks is designed to be used step-wise beginning with case studies.
- Learn more about EconWorks by completing an online training course (also available in pdf). PDH hours are now available for this training.
- Our 2017 Monthly Webinar Series is available for download!
- Read the research reports behind EconWorks.
- After completing the case study development training, please submit a new case study for the EconWorks database.
- To learn more about EconWorks, read the user guide here.
- Spread the Word! Download our EconWorks Brochure and share the benefits of EconWorks with other colleagues and agencies.
- Have a specific question? Email our technical expert at